IT Consulting and Advisory Services
The true value of data is the foresight it can impart to those companies setup to harness its power. Foresight Data Systems offers a comprehensive suite of IT consulting and advisory services to help your business reach its software development and data insights goals. Contact us today, to learn how we can help you engineer foresight into your business.

How We Work
Process-Driven Results
In working with our clients, Foresight Data Systems follows an IT consulting process that builds in client visibility and feedback at all stages of the project, from initial discovery and scoping to final delivery and potential iteration. Other IT consultancies afford visibility and feedback during the definition and delivery phases. Where our services are unique is how we sustain your visibility and feedback loop throughout the build process. Each cycle through our build stage ends with a client checkpoint, where progress is periodically reviewed and any necessary course corrections are identified and integrated early and often.

How We Can Help

Planning Your Big Data Roadmap
Big data technology is ever-evolving and the available options in data analytics and machine learning seem to multiply on a weekly basis. Even after selecting the data analysis tools most appropriate for your needs, gathering and moving the inputs these tools require from data sources to analysis endpoints entails another set of complex design choices, tool selections and skillset demands. The technologist that can successfully navigate this changing landscape may be a limited edition. Still, no one knows how to build your business and strengthen its unique selling proposition like you do. And by enlisting the help of our team of Big Data experts, your talents can stay focused where they’re most needed.
Foresight Data Systems can help you determine what data analytics, machine learning and data delivery infrastructure is most appropriate for your particular data sources and analysis goals. After we’ve helped you identify your big data roadmap, Foresight Data Systems can work with you to plan and implement the complete system, including follow-on maintenance and support.
Software Advisory & Modernization Services
Cloud computing and open source software have revolutionized how business is done, because they have so leveled the playing field. Today, every company, no matter how traditional their focus or non-technical their products and services can wield cutting-edge open source software on the cloud to drive production efficiencies and create customer-loyalty programs that only the largest and richest enterprises could achieve just 12 years ago. On the other hand, these field-leveling technologies have so lowered the barriers to modernization, that its no longer a competitive advantage to leverage them; more and more it has become the price of admission. As a consequence of these lowered barriers and rapid advances, “techno-complacency” after your initial build is no longer an option. The software half-life is now on the order of months, before modernization must once again become a priority to retain a leadership position in your market.
The software engineers at Foresight Data Systems are highly knowledgable and current on cloud computing and open source software trends and capabilities. We can assist you with assessing your existing software systems and determining where and how modernization efforts might pay dividends in terms of reduced maintenance costs and improved customer experience. Where feasible, we can build a plan to upgrade your existing software systems, or alternatively estimate the scope of a greenfield effort to completely replace it.

Custom Software Development
Foresight Data Systems has a broad set of capabilities in software development, which we can deploy in service of your specific business goals. Whether you are seeking to fully outsource your application development or have our software consultants collaborate with your in-house development team, Foresight Data Systems can help you define your software development plans and timelines, and execute against it to get you to market faster, with a best-in-class product offering.
Foresight Data Systems has over 30 years of experience building high quality, highly secure enterprise-grade software, across a range of industries and leveraging the latest technologies and standards. Stay focused on delivering your unique business value, while our team helps you define and deliver the software platform that will enable you to become the best-in-class in your market segment.
Zero Trust Security & Vulnerability Assessment
Building a highly secure enterprise architecture is as challenging as it is vitally important. However, what is less well understood is that building highly secure enterprise systems requires a skillset and knowledge-base that relatively few software developers possess. Most software engineers are more engaged in feature delivery and leveraging the latest technologies in the language eco-systems of Javascript, Python, Golang etc. How to actually ensure the systems they build are ultimately impervious to cyber attack is often deferred until the latter stages of project schedules and treated as an after-thought.
Some recent trends in software development and cyber attack sources are compounding the problem. For example, according to a recent Gartner report, the rising trend toward “no-code” and “low-code” tools, wielded by a new breed of developer called “citizen developers”, can exacerbate the data security problem further, by copying “test data” into their own low-code development environments without realizing that data may contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Concurrent to these trends, cyber attacks from China, Russia and North Korea are growing in number and sophistication, while the number of vulnerable targets are increasing.
Foresight Data System’s patented enterprise architecture incorporates a highly secure methodology into its software foundations, so that security is designed in. What sets our solution apart is that it achieves this designed-in security transparently, so that neither professional nor citizen developer need understand its complexities to leverage its safeguards. They are free to focus on the core value and features they are tasked with delivering, without concern for how data in situ and in motion are kept secure. Our team can help you engineer a highly secure enterprise architecture, without burdening your development team with the technicalities.